January 1912 Canadian Engineer Page 60, col. 1

Construction news section

Railways—Steam and electric.

Guelph, Ont.—The profits of the Guelph Street Railway for 1911 amounted to $7,449.

New Westminster, B.C.—Two new boats are under construction for the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway. These boats will be 140 feet long by 34 feet wide, stern wheelers, with a carrying capacity of 250 tons each Two barges will be built in addition, and each boat, with a barge in tow, will have a carrying capacity of 500 tons of cargo each trip. The engines for these boats have been removed from the Conveyor and Operator, which have been operated on the Skeena River for the past two years, and will give these boats a speed of fifteen miles an hour.

Ottawa, Ont.—At the operating sittings of the Board of Railway Commissioners, to be held in Ottawa on Tuesday, February 6th, 192, commencing at ten o'clock in the forenoon, the board will consider the matter of requiring all railway companies subject to its jurisdiction to equip their locomotive engines with dump ash pans, or other appliance, to avoid the necessity of enginemen or others going underneath to clean the same.

Montréal, P.Q.—From 1,000 to 1,500 more miles of telephone train dispatching circuits will be put into operation by the Canadian Pacific Railway during the coming year. The system of dispatching trains by telephone has proved entirely satisfactory. The C.P.R. now has 1,000 miles of telephone wires in use for train dispatching and is the second largest user of this method of dispatching trains in the world. The additions which will be made during 19123 will make it the largest. Practically all the main lines in the eastern division of the C.P.R., with the exception of the line to Ottawa, are using this method today. By means of the system it is possible to get telephonic connection with any train on the line. Every train carries a telephone and a long pole, which may be hooked to the wire along the right-of-way whenever the need arises.

Thamesville, Ont.—Locomotive No. 1890, of the Mogul type, on a westbound Wabash freight exploded. The explosion was terrific, awakening the whole town and burning pieces of debris were blow blocks from the tracks. The whole body of the engine was blown several yards ahead of the lower part of the engine and turned completely upside down, parts of the car being found yards away. The exact cause of the explosions is not known.

Winnipeg, Man.—The Canadian Northern Railway have hauled wheat in large quantities to their elevators at Port Arthur and also to the Atlantic seaports. The total number of bushels of wheat marketed at points along the company's lines this year is 38,750,000 bushels, against that of twenty-four million bushels marketed last year for the same period, which shows an increase of fourteen million bushels. The Canadian Northern Railway have in store in their interior elevators eight million bushels of grain, while last year, for the same period, they had three and three-quarter million bushels.

