September 1, 1938, Vol. 28, No. 12 Judgments, orders, regulations and rulings (Ottawa) Page 230

The Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada

Operating Department


Regulations for the Inspection and Testing of Air Reservoirs other than on Locomotives

Prescribed by General Order No. 576

  1. Design.—All reservoirs before purchase or fabrication must be submitted to the Chief Mechanical officer of the railway company for approval of design, materials, and maximum working pressure. An approved copy of specification card for new reservoirs showing the reservoir serial number, the maximum working pressure, the factor of safety, and a record of design shall be filed with the Chief Operating Officer of the Board within one month after the reservoir is placed in service.
  2. Identification.—A serial number and the authorized working pressure as assigned by the Chief Mechanical Officer of the railway company must be plainly stamped in figures not less than f inch high on the reservoir or on a metal plate, and the metal plate fastened to the reservoir in a conspicuous location.
  3. Pressure Gauge.—Each air pressure system must be equipped with a pressure gauge graduated to at least 50 per cent above the authorized working pressure.
  4. Safety Valves.
    1. Capacity.—All air pressure systems must carry a safety valve or valves of approved design in an approved location and of the capacity specified to suit conditions of the individual service.
    2. Adjustment.—Safety valves shall be set at a pressure not to exceed 6 pounds above the authorized working pressure.
  5. Inspection.—Inspection of each reservoir must be made annually by an authorized inspector of the railway company.
  6. Hydrostatic Test.—Every air reservoir, before being placed in service, and at least once each twelve months thereafter, must be hydrostatically tested to a pressure at least 25 per cent greater than the authorized working pressure. Hot water should be used where practicable.
  7. Hammer Test.—The entire surface of the reservoir shall be hammertested before each hydrostatic test with reservoir under atmospheric pressure.
  8. Cleaning and Inspecting.—All air reservoirs must be thoroughly cleaned by washing out at each hydrostatic test, so as to remove all foreign matter, and then closely examined for corrosion and pitting.
  9. Drain Valve and Piping.—Every air reservoir must be provided with an adequate drain valve or cock connected to the lowest part of the reservoir.
  10. Setting.—Reservoirs must be set up on supports, so that bottom of reservoir is clear of ground and there is ample space for drain valve or cock.
  11. Report of Inspections.—All inspections and tests must be reported on authorized forms, to be filed with the designated Mechanical Officer of the railway company, and a copy sent to the Chief Operating Officer of the Board within fifteen days after such tests or inspections are made. In addition, the date of annual hydrostatic test must be stencilled in not less than one-inch figures in a prominent location on each reservoir.
