October 1942, No. 10 Upper Canada Railway Society Bulletin (Toronto) Page 3

Seen from a train window

After reading tho account of that magnificent trip to Missouri a ride to Hamilton may seem ludicrous, yet it has points which recommend it. Certainly there is no other trip out of Toronto which offers so much for so short a distance and so short a time.

The trip in question was made on No. 741 of the Canadian Pacific, on a typical October afternoon. The train left the Union station at 1.21, one minute late. A former Grand Trunk Western Switcher, No. 8226, still bearing her white cab lettering and original smoke-box number plate was the first object of interest. When the many things to be seen gave brief respite it was worth while reflecting that the track over which the train was running as originally laid by the Great Western Railway of Canada, in the 1850's. It became Grand Trunk property in 1882 and then passed into the hands of the Canadian National; the C.P.R. pays for the privilege of trackage rights.

The train spent a minute and a half in Sunnyside station, its last stop, and then headed west in earnest, by now two and a half minutes late. The swans on Grenadier Pond were the next item of note to be followed soon by the extensive yards at Mlmico. Here a GTW diesel switcher, No. 7902, was in evidence.

The ride to Hamilton is an attractive one at any time running as it does over a succession of small streams, through rolling country studded with ravines and well wooded in many places. In October it takes on a special charm for the leaves are at their best, showing as they do the red flame of age before they tumble to tho earth to leave the branches forlorn and bleak once more.

At Port Credit tho train was four minutes late, but at Oakville only a minute and a half off schedule. At Burlington 30 seconds had been cut off this. The best part of the ride really comes in the last 15 minutes of the trip for a rapid succession of ravines present themselves and a wye and a junction are passed.

At Bayview we were still a minute late but at Hamilton Junction, where the Canadian Pacific bids farewell to the Great Western and enters onto Toronto. Hamilton and Buffalo tracks, we were only 30 seconds behind. Main St. was passed right on time and the train came to a stop in the T.H.&B.'s smart little station a minute and a half early. The run furnishes 55 minutes of concentrated interest and some running that, if not unusual, is none the less a credit to any train. The mile markers lend themselves especially well to clocking on this run since they are in the form of a sign attached to the telegraph poles, rather than the more conventional post, which is usually too close to the track to be seen easily from a car window. Some sample clockings and the train schedule are given below.

Time Schedule Time Made Speed Clockings
Toronto 1.20 P.M. 1.21 Mileposts Seconds M.P.H.
Bathurst St. 1.23 1.24 17-18 58 62.07
Sunnyside 1.29 1.30 (d. 1.31.30) 19-20 56 64.29
Port Credit 1.40 1.44 21-22 60 60.00
Oakville 1.49 1.50.30 27-28 59 61.02
Burlington 2.00 2.01 29-30 58 62.07
Bayview 2.06 2.07
Hamilton Jct. 2.08 2.08.30
Main St. 2.11 2.11
T.H.&B. Station 2.15 2.13.30

Railways: C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry., G.T.W.Rd., G.W.Ry., T.H. & B.Ry.

