Friday, February 23, 1900 The Banner (Aurora)

On Monday a large force of men arrived at the Grand Trunk station here to commence work on the new passenger station. The station when completed will be in striking contrast with the present building they call a station house. The new building will be 21 feet wide and 60 feet long and built on the site of the old station on the east side of the track. The offices will be situated in the central part of the building with a ladies waiting room at the south end and a general waiting room at the north end. A commodious baggage room will be situated at the north end alsoThe 10'×20' baggage room was located on the south end.. A covered platform will extend from the station nearly to Wellington streetThe covered platform (i.e., the porte-cochère) on the north end did not extend from the station nearly to Wellington street; however, the wood platform did.. A drive way will be constructed from Wellington street to the rear of the station.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Aurora

