Thursday, March 23, 1905, Vol. 27, No. 38 | The Liberal (Richmond Hill) | Page 1, col. 3 |
Public meeting
Almost unanimous for the bonus
The Council Chamber was crowded Tuesday evening when the rate-payers assembled to discuss the proposed by-law to grant a bonus for a station on the James Bay Railway. Reeve Savage occupied the chair. He stated that deputations waited on the managers of the Railway about a year ago, and induced the company to change the original survey about two miles east of Yonge street to a point close to this village, the deputations promising to support a by-law giving the company land on which to erect a station. Another survey was made and the company decided to accept the offer, and entered into an agreement. The agreement was read to the meeting by Mr. Crosby, and Mr. Miller and others expressed themselves as being perfectly satisfied with it.
The bonus asked for is $528.75, and to pay the amount in one year would mean #3.33 on a assessment of $1,000. The meeting was addressed by Messrs. C. Crosby, M. McNair, J. H. Sanderson, H Miller, J. Pauline, D. Hill, T. F. McMahon, W. H. Pugsley, J. Switzer, W. Innes, H. A. Nicholls, W. Harrison, S. M. Brown, T. H. Trench, H. F. Hopper and others.
The meeting was almost a unit in favor of the bonus, the only persons raising any objections being Mr. McNair and Mr Hill. Neither of these gentlemen spoke against the desirability of having the station, but they claimed that the railway and station would come without the bone, and they could see further expense in repairing the road and laying sidewalk to the proposed station. Mr. McNair would be satisfied to have the station on the east side of the ravine, but it was clearly shown that that side was impracticable for a station, besides it would cost the village far more than the amount of the bonus to maintain a good road across the gully.
Reeve Savage and others made it plain that the bonus would be more than saved in one year by the reduced price on coal alone. There would be every likelihood of a grain market being established here, and manufacturers would be as likely to located here as any other place. Mr. Pugsley would prefer giving $2,000 for a station on this side of the ravine than have it on the other side without any bonus.
Mr. Innis said his firm handled about 800,000 feet of lumber yearly, and paid about $3,000 in freight. With a station here at least $1.00 a thousand would be saved to the consumer.
Several of the speakers pointed out that with a steam railway, added to our present conveniences, Richmond Hill would be one of the most desirable spots in the Province in which to located. A unanimous vote was asked for, and a resolution was carried endorsing the action of the Council in submitting the by-law and promising every support when the vote is taken.
Railways: J.B.Ry.
Stations: Richmond Hill