Thursday, August 8, 1935 The Stouffville Tribune Page 5, col. 3

It is reported, unofficially that the C.N.R. intend to lay heavy steel rails from Scarboro to Blackwater this fall, permitting still larger and heavier engines being used on this line. The company may also construct a large well at the station to supply their own engines with water after the contract with the village expires next December. With larger engines it would permit the trains to run from YorkYork was known as Danforth. to Blackwater before taking a fresh supply of water, and the proposed well would only be used in case of emergency. As previously reported the company have served notice on the village to terminate their contract as of December 31 next. The water works will lose a revenue of $500 per year, but the loss of the C.N.R. will mean that further expansion of new wells or new reservoirs will not likely be necessary for some years.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Blackwater, Danforth, Scarboro

