Thursday, May 12, 1932, Vol. 44, No. 10 | The Stouffville Tribune | Page 1, col. 2 |
Orders placed for 30,000 bus. turnips
According to well founded reports the Farmers' Co-operative Association at Blackwater, three stations north of Stouffville, on the C.N.R. has an order for 30,000 bushels of "Big O" brand turnips or rutabagas, as they are called in the U.S.A. The rutabagas are intended for distribution in Toronto and Montréal next fall and winter.
This information is very gratifying to the Ontario Marketing Board, as it was at the suggestion of this Board that the original idea of branding rutabagas was adopted by the Blackwater organization.
While the marketing of rutabagas was in the experimental stage, over 7,000 bushels were sold, mostly in Toronto, with trial shipments to Montréal and New York City. On every side satisfaction is reported, and one firm volunteered the information that its table turnip business had doubled this year, attributing this to the high quality of these branded rutabagas.
Railways: C.N.Rys.
Stations: Blackwater