June 1899, No. 16 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 174, col. 3 |
Grand Trunk betterments, etc.
Work was commenced on the general office building in Montréal May 30. P. Lyall & Sons, Montréal, have the contract for masonry, amounting to over $250,000. The lower part of the buildings will be of grey granite from Stanstead Jct., & the balance of the structure of Oolitic limestone from Bedford, Ind.
It was the intention of the management to have had the Victoria Jubilee Bridge opened on Dominion Day, but as the work was not completed, the opening had to be postponed, & it is not likely there will be any ceremony in connection with it.
Owing to the height of the locomotive recently constructed, & the lowness of the tubular span over the Ottawa river at St. Annes, the Co. is unable to use them on the western section. This difficulty will be remedied by the demolition of the tube & the erection of an open span bridge similar in height to the Victoria bridge. The engines are now running on the eastern & southern divisions out of Montréal.
The superstructures of all the iron bridges between Montréal & Island Pond are being renewed. It is said contracts have been let for the renewal of the superstructure of the international bridge over the Niagara River between Fort Erie & Buffalo.
A contract has been let for a Y.M.C.A. building in the Co.'s yards at Detroit, Mich.
Considerable improvements are being made to the road bed of the Southern Division, which is occupied jointly by the G.T.R. & the Wabash. The work includes a good deal of ballasting, reducing grades, etc., near Cayuga & Renton, & the laying of 80 miles of heavy steel rails between Delhi & Glencoe.