January 1915, Vol. 8, No. 1 The Signal Engineer (Chicago) Page 23

Summary of signal work in 1914

Decreasing activity in signaling and interlocking caused by falling off In railway revenues

The installations of automatic signals and interlocking plants show very clearly the effect of the decrease in railway revenues. While in some cases large installations were made, they were in general made possible only by capital authorized and obtained a year or more ago. In fact, most of the signal installations of the year represent the completion of old programs, rather than the beginning of new.


Canadian Northern

The Canadian Northern installed a few interlocking plants during 1914, but did not do any very extensive work. A 16 lever plant was contracted for at Estevan, Sask., all signals and other units being operated by mechanical levers. Four sets of highway crossing gates and half-interlocking plants were installed at Edmonton and a 32-lever machine was installed at Strathcona, Alta. The latter is a mechanical plant with electric distant signals. A 16-lever plant was also constructed at Bird's Hill, Winnipeg, and a contract was let for two half-interlocking plants at Regina, Sask. The Canadian Northern also installed a 36-lever mechanical plant at West Duluth, Minn, on the Duluth, Winnipeg & Pacific.

Canadian Pacific

Lines East—Automatic signals were installed from West Toronto, Ont., to Islington, a double-track stretch 5 mi. long, and from Iberville Junction to St. Johns, 2 mi. of double-track; 13.1 mi. of single-track automatics were changed to double-track automatic signals between Islington Junction and Streetsville Junction. Seven mechanical interlocking plants with a total of 127 working levers, and one type 2 electric interlocking plant with 74 working levers, furnished by the General Railway Signal Company of Canada, Ltd., were installed. The installation of about nine mechanical interlocking plants is contemplated for 1915, with a total of about 119 working levers.

Lines West—No automatic signals were installed in 1914 and nothing is contemplated for 1915. Three interlocking plants were installed as follows: One at McKellar river bridge, at Fort William, an electric plant of the General Railway Signal company's type, having 8 levers in a 12-lever frame; a mechanical interlocking plant having 12 levers in a 12-lever frame at the swing-bridge crossing Pitt river, in British Columbia, and a mechanical interlocking plant with 12 working levers in a 12 lever frame on the swing-bridge crossing Harrison Mills river, B. C.


Grand Trunk

The Victoria Jubilee bridge and approaches were signaled with a.c. top-post, type T 2 automatic signals, installed by the Union Switch & Signal Company. There are 3% miles of double-track automatic signals and an all-electric interlocking plant in this installation. A double-track section 20 mi. long between Thornton Junction, Ill., and C. & W. I. Junction, was equipped with a. c. type 2-A bottom-post automatic signals. Single-phase, 4,400-volt signal transmission was used. During the year, single power-operated signals have been installed at several points in order to protect outlying facing-point switches and other special conditions.

Interlocking plants were installed as follows: A 44-lever mechanical plant with power-operated distant signals at Tappan, Mich.; a 24-lever mechanical plant at Jackson, Mich; a 32-lever mechanical plant at Paris Junction, Ont.; a 16-lever mechanical plant at Whitby, Ont.; a 24-lever mechanical plant at Galt, Ont.; a 28-lever mechanical plant with power-operated distant signals at Cornwall, Ont.; a 20-lever mechanical plant at Dunnville, Ont., and a 16-lever mechanical plant with power-operated distant signals at Diltz, Ont.

During 1915. the company intends to build the following interlocking plants: A 36-lever, all-electric plant at Brantford, Ont., and small mechanical interlocking plants at Belleville. Ont., and Coburg, Ont. Semi-automatic signals will be installed on the swing-bridge across the Saginaw river at Bay City, Mich.


Railways: C.No.Ry., C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry.

