July 1898, No. 5 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 123

Grand Trunk work.

A daily press telegram from Montréal July 20 stated that the management announced that extensive terminal facilities were to be provided at Sarnia & Port Huron, & with that object in view architects were figuring on the cost of round-house & machine shops for these places, the estimated value of which would be $70,000 each. In reply to an enquiry from Mayor Johnston, of Sarnia, General Manager Hays wired that the statement was incorrect.

The Co. will build a brick round-house 331 ft. diameter, with flat gravelled roof, at Sarnia Tunnel. (Official.)

Work on the Victoria Jubilee Bridge at Montréal is progressing very satisfactorily, the erection of 24 spans being almost finished, & it is expected that the new structure will be brought into service in the autumn. (Official.)

The Co. is putting in full interlocking & derailing apparatus at the crossing of its lines by the C.P.R. at St. John's & St. Constant, Que. (Official.)

It is said that the bridge near London, Ont., is to be enlarged & double-tracked. (Unofficial.)

The laying of the 80 lbs. rails on the southern division between Windsor & Niagara Falls is being gone on with.

There is a hitch between the Co. & the Montréal City Council in reference to the site for general offices. The City Finance Committee provided in the agreement that none but local labor should be employed in the construction of the buildings, that if the Co. should ever remove from the site it should revert to the city, & that if the Legislature would not permit the city to convey the land with a clear title to the Co. the latter should make good to the city any loss from rental or otherwise thus occasioned. The Co. will not accept these conditions, & the matter is still unsettled.

Railways: C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry.

