August 1901, No. 42 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 235, col. 1 |
Kincardine wants more railways.
The Mayor of Kincardine, Ont., which is situated on Lake Huron, and is the terminus of a G.T.R. branch from Palmerston, recently wrote President Shaughnessy, of the C.P.R., urging connection with that Co.'s system by a line from Teeswater. Mr. Shaughnessy replied that the Co. could not at present consider the building of any extensions except west of Lake Superior.
The Mayor also wrote F. H. Clergue, of Sault Ste. Marie, suggesting the building of a line from Park Head via Port Elgin, to Kincardine. In replying Mr. Clergue said: "The conditions seem to make it necessary that the towns on Lake Huron should have a more direct connection with New Ontario, if they are to participate in the profits of the developments now under way. A cursory glance at the map would seem to indicate that a line from Allenford, on the G.T.R., to Southampton, another from Turner, on the G.T.R., to Goderich, would, in conjunction with the G.T.R., afford Goderich, Kincardine, Port Elgin, Southampton, and all the intermediate towns, a line to New Ontario as direct as that enjoyed by the Southern Ontario towns. If a united effort were made by the municipalities interested I think the interest of the Government in the matter might be excited, and the Manitoulin and North Shore Ry. Co. would construct these lines, and doubtless secure such running rights over the G.T.R. as would secure their co-operation in a favorable way. I shall be very glad to co-operate in any way I can to further your interests in this matter, as the region referred to is resourceful in materials and supplies which we very urgently require."
Stations: Goderich, Kincardine , Port Elgin, Southampton