Friday, May 14, 1897, Vol. 46, No. 17 The Newmarket Era Page 3, col. 1

Newmarket depot.

The exports this week include 1 car of flour and 7 cars of woodenware besides numerous small shipments. The impacts comprise 1 car of Manitoba wheat, 5 cars of lumber, 1 car pail timber and 8 or 10 cars of general merchandise. On Monday [May 10, 1897], His Excellency Hen Chang Yin Huan and suite, numbering about 50 Chinese in all, passed through Newmarket in a special car attached to the C.P.R. train. A nephew of Li Jung Chang was among them. They were en route to England to participate in the diamond jubilee celebration. Special rates are announced for the Queen's birthday. Return tickets issued at single far on the 22nd and 24th, good till 25th.

Railways: C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry.

Stations: Newmarket

