October 1916, No. 224 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 425, col. 1

Electric railway projects, construction, betterments, etc.

Brantford Municipal Ry.—A deputation of residents of Terrace Hill waited upon the Brantford Railway Commission, Sept. 20, to urge the extension of the electric railway into that section of the city. The route suggested by the deputation is as follows: Branching off a Market St. at Grey, along Grey to Clarence, under the Clarence St. subway to Dundas St. to the hill. This would give a direct line to the hill without change, and would also serve a section of the the city below the hill which it is claimed would be a good revenue producer. The rails and other material taken up from the section of the old Grand Valley Ry. sold to the Lake Erie & Northern Ry. could be utilized. The commissioners assured the deputation that they would do the best possible to provide the accommodation required. The matter of the route would have to be given careful consideration. (Sept., pg. 378.)

Railways: B.M.Ry., G.V.Ry., L.E. & N.Ry.

