September 1930, No. 391 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 585, col. 2

Electric railway notes.


Bond Lake Park, for over 30 years an asset of the Metropolitan Ry., later Metropolitan Division of the Toronto and York Radial Rys. connecting Toronto with Lake Simcoe, and of recent year operated by the Toronto Transportation Commission, which operated the railway for the City of Toronto, its owner, is to be old, the Toronto city board of control having approved of a T.T.C. suggestion that it be placed in the hands of a liquidator to be appointed by the city to dispose of the railway assets. The parl consists of 45.45 acres of lake, 75 acres of arable land, 10.58 acres of marsh , and 20.51 acres of wooded slopes, and in addition to an old car house and power house, has several buildings for use in catering to large picnic parties. The property has not been used as a park since the end of the 1929 summer season.

Railways: Met.Ry., T. & Y.Rad.Ry., T.T.C.

