April 1902, No. 50 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 121, col. 2 |
Railway development.
Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.
The Bay of Quinte Ry. Co. is applying at the current session of the Dominion Parliament for an Act authorizing the extension of the Co.'s line from Deseronto, or near there, to Lake Ontario, near Picton, Ont., with power to build a bridge across the Bay of Quinte, and if found expedient to construct a branch into Picton.
The Ontario Legislature, at the recent sessions voted a subsidy of $150,000, of which $90,000 is a revote of a subsidy to the Kingston, Napanee and Western Ry., voted in 1893. The lines covered by the subsidy are not to exceed 50 miles in length, and will extend from Tweed, northerly to the iron and mineral deposits in Hastings County.
Railways: B.Q.Ry.