August 1900, No. 30 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 237, col. 3

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Bay of Quinte.—At the last session of the Dominion Parliament an act was passed extending the time for the completion of this railway for 5 years from the passing of the act. The Co. was also given extensive powers in regard to carrying on the business of generating & distributing electric power & energy & other motive power, also in regard to carrying on mining & timber business, & to deal in letters patent, franchises or patent rights. The bill as originally introduced met with some opposition in regard to the place & date of holding annual meetings. The head office was fixed at Deseronto, the directors being given power to change it by by-law. The annual meeting is to be held on the second Monday in Sep. of each year.

Between Deseronto & Deseronto Jct., about 4 miles, 65 lbs. rails are being put down in place of 50-lbs. ones.

Railways: B.Q.Ry.

