November 1900, No. 33 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 334, col. 1

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Magnetawan River.—At a meeting held recently at Burk's Falls,. Ont., it was decided to organize the Magnetawan River Ry. Co., with a capital of $30,000, to construct a spur line connecting the G.T.R. near Burk's Falls with the head of navigation on the Magnetawan River. The proposed spur, which will start from the G.T.R. about 1/8 of a mile north of Burk's Falls station, & run to the dock at the Magnetawan River, will be between 1 1/2 & 2 miles long. Construction will be expensive, as there will be considerable rock work & 2 steel bridges, one of 100 ft. over the Magnetawan River, & one of 40 ft. over a branch of that steam. Superintendent Tiffin & Division Freight Agent White, of the G.T.R., attended the meeting, the latter stating that the G.T.R. would operate the spur on the following terms: A charge of $2.50 per loaded car to be made by the G.T.R. Co., empty cars free, $1.50 to be allowed the Magnetawan River Ry. Co. to enable it to pay its interest on the stock, combined with the maintenance of the railway. The other $1 to be paid to the G.T.R. for its switching service, the G.T.R. to have the free use of the spur for its entire service, including both passenger, freight & construction trains, such free freight trains not to include cars transported over the tramway containing freight for furtherance up or down the river. The following officers were elected: President, J. Sharpe, Burk's Falls; Vice-President, H. Knight, Burk's Falls; other directors, R. J. Watson, J. D. Reid, E. H. Smith, Burk's Falls; G. McKnight, Dr. Freeborn, E. A. Morris, E. W. Jenkins, W. McLaughlin, Magnetawan; C. G. Marlatt, Toronto; A. P. Cockburn, Gravenhurst; G. Alexander, Royston; J. Turner, S. G. Ritter, Ahmic Harbor. In 1894 the Ontario Legislature voted a cash subsidy to the Northern & Pacific Jct. Ry. Co. for the construction of this spur. This subsidy, it is understood, will be available for the M.R.R. Co., but is not considered enough, & a deputation waited on the Ontario Government on Nov. 16, asking for an increase to $10,000. A deputation of the directors, accompanied by General Assistant Wainwright of the C.P.R., also waited recently on the Acting Minister of Railways at Ottawa, applying for a Dominion subsidy of $15,000. The portage between Burk's Falls & the head of navigation on the Magnetawan River has proved a serious obstacle to the progress of the country tributary to the river. By the construction of the proposed spur, through connection will be established with the steamers of the Muskoka Navigation Co., which run down the river for some 40 miles to Ahmic Harbor, & an impetus will be given to 10 tributary townships which are already being settled by colonists. The district is a fair farming one, but its principal resources are spruce, hemlock, and tan bark. Several woodenware factories were established, but have found the want of through communication very disadvantageous. As soon as the subsidy questions have been settled, a survey will be made, & it is hoped to have the line completed in time for next summer's traffic.

Railways: G.T.Ry., M.R.Ry

Stations: Burks Falls, Magnetawan Wharf

