April 1901, No. 38 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 116, col. 1 |
The Magnetawan River from Burk's Falls to Ahmic Harbor, Ont., covers a stretch of navigation over 40 miles in extent. The surrounding townships are settled by a pioneer hardy race of Anglo-Saxon people, who are cultivating their free grant lands under exceptional difficulties owing to the fact that their farm produce, together with their forest products, have to be floated up the river to Burk's Falls, where they encounter a portage of about 2 miles before they can place their supplies upon railway cars; and this portage, owing to the hilly nature of the country, costs more than the average profit obtainable upon the commodities the settlers are in a position to ship. The Ontario Legislature, when Sir Oliver Mowat was Premier, took in the situation and granted a subsidy of $7,500 towards the construction of a railway across the portage, and later, at the insistence of Premier Ross, finding this subsidy insufficient, has supplemented it by an additional $2,500. Application is now being made by the Magnetawan River Ry. Co. to the Dominion Government for an additional subsidy of $15,000, under an arrangement by which the colonists will only be taxed $1 a car for their produce across the portage. At a conference recently with the Dominion Government, the propriety of giving the required aid was carefully considered, and it is hoped that the Minister of Railways, who is thoroughly conversant with the territory, will recommend the subsidy be applied for. If this is done, more than a dozen townships will be benefited by immediate access to markets, as the railway will be completed and in operation before July 1 next. (Nov. 1900, pg. 334.)
Railways: M.R.Ry
Stations: Burks Falls, Magnetawan Wharf