Thursday, May 22, 1924, Vol. 73, No. 14 The Northern Advance (Barrie) Page 4, col. 4

More freight over Allandale route

A rumour is afloat to the effect that freight to and from the north which is now sent over the C.N.R. via Washago, will shortly be sent via Allandale as formerly. It is stated that the use of the other route proved impracticable. Such a change would be accompanied by a great increase in the town's prosperity.

Approached by the Advance, Mr. Weegar would not confirm the rumour, nor would he deny it. He stated, however, that preparations are begin made to handle increased traffic over the Milton subdivision. Ballasting operations have been going on for some time, and the rails previously used on that subdivision are being replaced by heavier, eighty-five-pound rails. The freight which will be sent over this route will be from the north to points in the States. Many of the men who were laid off will be taken on again, but Mr. Weegar could not say definitely how many would be needed.

Business is now below normal, although considerable boat freight is being handled between Atherley Junction and Depot Harbor. Much grain from the Collingwood elevators is passing through Allandale enroute to Chicago and the New England states.

Railways: C.N.Rys.

Stations: Allandale, Atherley, Collingwood, Washago

