November 1917, No. 237 | Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) | Page 420, col. 1 |
New Grand Trunk Railway passenger stations.
The G.T.R. is erecting a new passenger station at Berlin, N.H., on the line between Portland, Me., and Montréal. We are officially advised that it is located on the site of the original frame structure, and will be a substantial one-story building of brick and stone. The plans shown that the outside dimensions of the new station will be 137×29 ft., and walls 13 ft. high, with central bays projecting 6 ft. on the track side and 8 ft. on the city side. The office, 41×22 ft., will be located in the centre of the building, and will provide accommodation for the agent, operator and clerical staff, the ticket, operating and telegraph sections being located toward the track. The women's waiting room will be on the right; and the general waiting room on the left of the office. Each waiting room will be 28×26 ft., and will be provided with lavatory accommodation. There will be entrances to each waiting room from the platform and from the street. The baggage room, 25×26 ft., will adjoin the general waiting room and will be connected with it by a counter and wicket. A covered platform will be provided under the main roof at the west end of the building. The basement, in which the heating plant and a room for storing record will be located, will extend under the baggage room, the remaining space not being excavated.
All construction below ground level is to be of concrete, above the floor line the walls will be of brick, faced with Saginaw pavers, with base and dressing of Vermont pink granite. The roof will be covered with green Ludowici tiling of imperial Spanish pattern. The interior finish will be full oak stained dark, all walls and ceiling to be plastered. The waiting rooms will be paneled in oak to the height of the doors, the fields of the panels being covered with burlap and painted. The floor of the general waiting room, women's waiting room and office will be of maple laid diagonally, with a 15 in. border of the same; the lavatories will have tile floors, and the baggage room will be of ordinary boards. The building will be heated by hot water and lighted by electricity. It was designed in the office of H. R. Safford, Chief Engineer, and the contract has been let to Forgione & Rowans, Portland, Me. The estimated cost is $40,000.
A station is also to be built at Orillia, Ont., to replace the one destroyed by fire. It will be 54×142 ft., with umbrella roof, 22×34 ft. at each end. The foundation will be of concrete to grade line, with Longford stone base to height of sills (3 ft. 8 1/2 in.). The superstructure above the base will be of dark brown fire flash brick with a mortar joint. The roof will be covered with asbestos shingles laid diagonally, roof to project 6 ft. beyond face of wall, with Georgian pine rafter heels and sheeted soffit, oiled. The lighting will be electric, of the a.c. system. It will be heated with hot water from boiler located in basement below baggage room. The street approach to the building will be by a porte cochere supported by brick and stone piers supporting same. The entrance doors will be of a French pattern, with divided lights on either side having pilaster mullions between them and the door. On entering the station from the street side there will be a small alcove with vaulted ceiling, and seat on each side of same. The side walls of the main waiting room will be divided into five ornamental plaster arches with pilasters between. The plastering will be trowelled stucco finish, with white plaster moulds and ceiling beams. The floor will be of terrazzo, composed of varied color marble chips. On one side of the main entrance there will be a ladies' rest room and lavatory, on the other side a men's smoking room and lavatory. The smoking and rest rooms will be finished in Georgia pine with burlap dado to height of 4 ft., paneled with 3 in. strapping. Lavatories will be finished in cement, marked off with 4×4 in. blocks, tile pattern. The rest and smoking rooms will have French door between them and main waiting room. The walls of the main waiting room to height of 4 ft. will be covered with burlap. The office will be of quarter cut oak. The trim of main waiting room will be of Georgia pine, and all wood work with be finished in bog oak. The platform will be of paving blocks with standard concrete curb.
At St. Catharines, Ont., a new station is to be erected on the site of the old one, but it will be considerably larger. The main building, containing waiting rooms, office and baggage room, will be flanked by large platform shelters and the Canadian Express building will be attached to the further end of the west shelter. The station proper will be one story, containing a general waiting room, 77×22 ft., with an alcove, 22×10 ft. From this general room will be entered smaller waiting rooms, with lavatories attached for men and women, respectively. The small waiting rooms will be 16×10 ft., and the lavatories, 11×10 ft. The ticket office, approximately 20×14 ft., will be placed on the centre line of the general waiting room, opposite to the alcove, and will have a large projecting bay, in which will be the telegraph operator's table, and the windows of which will command views of the tracks in both directions. A paneled oak screen will enclose the office and will project into the general waiting room and will be provided with two ticket wickets. The baggage room, attached to the west end of the building, will be placed in direct communication with the general waiting room for handling small hand baggage. There will be three entrance to the station, tow directly facing the tracks, on each side of the ticket office, and one from the platform shelter at the east end. The basement will be devoted to the steam heating apparatus and storage of fuel. The Canadian Express Co. will be housed in a building. 44×25 ft., situated 65 ft. from the station proper, the intervening space being roofed over to form a platform shelter. The platform shelter will cover 4,500 sq. ft., and the buildings will have an area of 5,000 sq. ft. The building will be constructed generally of brick on concrete foundations. The walls outside will be faced with Hocking Valley vitrified brick, with grey sandstone dressing, and the roof will be covered with asbestos shingles. The floors of the station will be finished with marble terrazzo and those of the baggage and express rooms with cement. All interior finish in station will be Georgia pine and oak stained to bog oak color, the walls being plastered and painted and the dadoes paneled and finished with burlap. All lavatory walls will be lined with tiles to a height of 4 ft. All seating will be oak stained to match interior finish. The lighting will be by electricity.
Railways: G.T.Ry.
Stations: Orillia, St. Catharines