October 17, 1931 | B.R.C. File No. 38138 (Wyebridge Sub. abandonment) (Ottawa) |
Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada
Engineering department
Ottawa, October 17, 1931.
Mr. T.L. Simmons
Mr. Geo. Spencer
Board of Railway Commissioners,
Ottawa, Ontario.
Dear Sirs:—
File 38138 - Application of the Canadian National Railways for recommendation to abandon the operation of the Wyebridge Subdivision in the Province of Ontario.
On October 15th we made an examination of the Wyebridge Subdivision in connection with the application of the Canadian National Railways, under Section 23 of Chapter 172 of the Revised Statutes of Canada, for recommendation from the Board to the Governor-in-Council that the Railway may abandon their operation of this subdivision.
There were present at this inspection, Mr. A.H. Cavanagh, Superintendent, C.N.R., Mr. John Walker, Division Engineer; representing Tiny Township, Mr. William Robins, Reeve, Mr. George King, Councillor, Mr. Thomas Greer, Councillor, Mr. James Wilson, Ex-Reeve, Mr. F.H. Lummis, General Merchant, Wyebridge, Mr. William Stott, Wyevale, Mr. Fred Stott, Wyevale, and Mr. W.H. Clute, Wyevale. A general inspection was made over the whole Wyebridge Subdivision, extending from Tay on the Midland Subidivision 3.25 miles east of Midland to Birch, on the Penetang Subdivision, 12.2 miles east of Penetang. There is one flag station on this line at Wyebridge. Wyebridge is a small village situated on a paved highway and consists of a few houses and two general stores. There are no industries that would be affected by the abandonment by the Railway. The distance from Wyebridge to Midland on a paved road is less than six miles. Members of Council stated that the Gray Dort Bus Company maintains a daily passenger service both ways between Midland and Toronto through Wyebridge, and that there are several trucking companies providing daily freight service between these points. No hardship will therefore be experienced by the residents of Wyebridge due to the abandonment of the Subdivision. Mr. F.H. Lummis, Merchant, Wyebridge, stated that he was at present receiving good service from the trucking companies and that there would be no hardship as far as he was concerned. There were no objections from the Councillors and others present with regard to freight or passenger service being abandoned on the Wyebridge Subdivision.
There are five level grade crossings now open over this subdivision and one grade crossing constructed but closed by gates, two overhead bridges and one subway. The overhead bridges are in need of repair. Provision should be made if the line is abandoned that the crossings where the overhead bridges are now situated should be changed to the point of the original roadways.
No objections whatever were voiced by Members of the Council and other representatives of Tiny Townships present at this investigation and we would recommend that the application of the Canadian National Railways for abandonment of the Wyebridge Subdivision should be allowed.
Yours truly,
D. G. Kilburn
Division Engineer,
M.J. McCaul
operating Inspector.
Railways: C.N.Rys.
Stations: Wyebridge