November 12, 1931 | B.R.C. File No. 38138 (Wyebridge Sub. abandonment) (Ottawa) |
P.C. 2834
Privy Council Canada
At the Government House at Ottawa
Thursday, the 12th day of November, 1931.Present:
His Excellency
The Governor General in Council:Whereas the Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada, by an Order No. 47547, dated 21st of October, 1931, has recommended, pursuant to Section 23 of the Canadian National Railways Act, Chapter 172 of The Revised Statutes of Canada, 1927, that the Canadian National Railway Company be permitted to abandon the operation of its line of railway, Wyebridge Subdivision, 8.9 miles in length, extending from Tay, on the Midland Subdivision, 3.25 miles east of Midland to Birch, on the Penetang Subdivision, 12.2 miles east of Penetang, in the Province of Ontario;
Therefore His Excellency the Governor General in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Railways and Canals, is pleased to approve and doth hereby approve the abandonment by the Canadian National Railway Company of the operation of the railway line referred to.
E. J. Lemaire
Clerk of the Privy Council.The Board of Railway Commissioners for Canada.
Railways: C.N.Rys.