Amended by
G.O. 219

The Board of
Railway Commissioners for Canada.

Order no. G.O. 95

Wednesday, the 2nd of
October, A.D. 1912

Re circular 87, calling upon railway companies to show cause why an order should not go prohibiting them from issuing an embargo against any traffic for a period longer than four days, without first giving the Board at least ten days' previous notice of intention to issue such embargo, and the reason why such embargo is to be issued:

It is ordered that whenever a railway company subject to the Board's jurisdiction, issues an embargo against any traffic, it shall, within 48 hours thereafter, file with the Board a copy of such embargo, with a statement of the conditions rendering such embargo necessary, the action required to remove such conditions, and the probable time such embargo will be continued. And when such embargo is withdrawn or cancelled, the company shall forthwith file with the Board a copy of such withdrawal for cancellation.