
Station: Hamilton
Subdivision: Dundas Grimsby Hagersville Oakville
Mileage: Hamilton is 2.42 miles West of junction between Dundas and Oakville Subdivisions. 43.67 0.00Mileage for Hagersville is for Jct. Switch with Grimsby Subdivision; distance from Jct. Switch to Station is 0.26 miles. 39.30
Train Order: DN DN DN DN
Office Signals: S S S S
Sidings: Yard Yard Yard Yard
Other Tracks: Yard Yard Yard Yard
Yard Limits: 4,013 feet West of Hamilton West 3,150 feet East of Junction Switch, Stoney Creek 3,495 feet West of Diamond, T. H. & B. Crossing 5,412 feet East of Bayview
Location: 360 James Street North
(Wentworth County)
HSMBC Report: RSR-38
Designation / Year: Positive / 1991


Coming eventually...


Trains will not required terminal clearance passing from one subdivision to another at Hamilton (except trains using station tracks at Hamilton) provided train order signal indicates "proceed".

Register station for all trains except through freight and passenger extra trains not using station tracks. *"C", Diesel oil (rail car only). All trains originating Hamilton must obtain terminal clearance.

Trains leaving station tracks for Grimsby and Hagersville Subdivisions will be governed by hand signals from switchtender.

Rule 91 not applicable between Hamilton and Stoney Creek except on passenger carrying trains.

Signal No. 431 is a station protection signal and governs westward movements on Grimsby Subdivision. Rules 451A-453.

Signal No. 436 is a station protection signal and governs eastward movements on Grimsby Subdivision. Rules 451A-453.

In event of failure of signals to clear, trains will be governed by instructions of switchtender.


All trains originating at Hamilton must obtain terminal clearance.

Account transfer engine leaving Stuart Street Yard 11.30 p.m. daily, to place cars on T.H. & B. Transfer, any eastward train which cannot arrive Stuart Street Yard prior to 11.30 p.m. will arrange to remain outside of west signal T.H. & B. crossing until transfer has arrived.

Air brakes must be in service on all cars when making long terminal moves, for example: Hamilton to Bayview and Hamilton West, Cannon St., Blast Furnance District, T.H. & B., transfer tracks, etc.

Sounding of engine whistle signals on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a railway is prohibited n respect to any public crossing at grade within the limits of the City of Hamilton, except when necessary to prevent accident (B.T.C. 40101). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistle signals when necessary for train operation.

Hamilton City limits commence at mileage 5.89.

For further Hamilton footnotes, see Oakville Subdivision.

Oakville Subdivision

*Register station for all trains except through freight and passenger extra trains not using station tracks. Operator Hamilton register Nos. 15-16-17 and No. 5.

Trains will not require terminal clearance passing from one subdivision to another at ... Hamilton (except trains using station tracks at Hamilton ... ) provided train order signal, if any, indicates proceed.

Trains originating at Hamilton must obtain terminal clearance.

Freight trains must not be operated over passenger tracks at Hamilton, except in emergency. (B.T.C. 44060)

Employees must not ride on sides or tops of cars or engines operating upon these tracks.

Trains not entering station tracks will be governed on eastward and westward main tracks respectively by train order signals of color light, three indication type, located on piers of James St. Bridge opposite west end of station.

Trains leaving station tracks for Grimsby and Hagersville Subdivisions will be governed by hand signals from switchtender.

Brakemen will accompany engine from shop track to top end of yard for all trains order to Dundas and Oakville Subdivisions.

Signal No. 387 is a station protection signal and governs movements on westward track to station protection signal No. 389. Rules 451A-453.

Signal No. 389 is a station protection signal with two light units. Top light governs westward movements on westward track. Lower light governs westward movements entering station tracks. Rule 451A-453.

Signal No. 390 is a station protection signal with two light units. Top light governs eastward movements leaving station tracks, through crossover switches to eastward track. Lower light governs eastward movement leaving station tracks to westward track. Rules 451A-453.

Signal No. 396 is a station protection signal and governs eastward movements on main track approaching switches at Bay St. Rules 451A-453.

Signal No. 386 is a station protection signal and governs movement on eastward track. Rules 451A-453.

In the event of failures of signals to clear, trains will be governed by instructions of switchtender.

When switchtender not on duty at first switch west of Hamilton Jct., trainmen will handle switches. Phone is located in switch shanty.

Eastward movements on freight trains must not foul middle switches until "Proceed" signal received from switchtender.

Movements from South Yard must not foul main track at middle switches until "Proceed" signal received from switchtender.

Air brakes must be in service on all cars when making long terminal moves, for example: Hamilton to Bayview and Hamilton West, Cannon St., Blast Furnance District, T.H. & B., tranfer tracks, etc.

Sounding of engine whistles on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a Railway is prohibited in respect to any public crossing at grade within the limits of the City of Hamilton except when necessary to prevent accident. (B.T.C. 40101). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistles when necessary for train operation.

Hamilton City limits commence at mileage 37.60.

When enginemen in passenger service, handling brake test for backup movement between Hamilton and Bayview, or vice versa, receive air-communicating Signal 16(E)—4 Blasts—he will lap the brake valve so as to permit the brakes to be applied from the rear of the train and then sound one short blast on engine whistle to indicate that the brake valve handle is in lap position. The engineman must be ready to make this test and if he does not sound the engine whistle as required, the employee testing the brake will repeat the air-communicating signal. When making reverse movement between above-mentioned points, the control of the brake must remain with the engineman. Conductor will communicate with the engineman by use of the air-communicating signal sufficiently in advance of the point where stop is required to be made, to enable service application of brake. The control of the train through the use of the backup hose must not be resorted to, except in case of emergency.

Electric switch locks—North and South yard, Hamilton, are connected through crossovers leading across the two main tracks and into lead to south yard.

Switches at the extreme ends of these two crossovers are controlled by electric switch locks and movements through these crossovers will be made in accordance with instructions posted in instruction boxes at these switches.

Operation of Electric Switch Locks as follows:

  1. Unlock door of indicator box located at top of electric switch lock. Press button on indicator, when blub lights it indicates "No Train Approaching", then unlock door of electric lock, turn handle to left as far as possible, then operate switch in usual manner. After movement has been completed, handle must be placed in full normal position and door of electric lock closed and locked.
  2. If indicator light is not displayed, the door on electric lock must not be opened without first obtaining authority from the operator at Hamilton Junction. After this authority has been obtained for train or engine movement, proceed as follows:

    Unlock and open door of electric switch lock and wait time interval of three (3) minutes. This will allow the indicator in electric switch lock to show "No Train Approaching" indication and same may then be operated as in paragraph 1.
Date Event
1927-12-24 Railway Age announces CNR's intention to build a new station at HamiltonRailway Age, 83(26), p. 1284.
1928-05-12/1928-05-26 C.N.Rys. tenders for clearing of site for new passenger terminal at HamiltonThe Globe (Toronto), Thursday, May 17, 1928, p. 19, c. 8].
1928-05-28/1928-06-22 C.N.Rys. tenders for grading and bridges related to construction of new passenger terminal at HamiltonThe Globe (Toronto), Saturday, June 16, 1928, p. 24, c. 8.
1929-10-26/1929-11-14 C.N.Rys. tenders for construction of new station and platforms at HamiltonThe Globe (Toronto), Tuesday, October 22, 1929, p. 7, c. 8.
1931-05-27 Governor-General Lord Bessborough officially opens stationThe Globe (Toronto), Thursday, May 28, 1931, p. 2, c. 1.
1957 C.N.Rys. consolidates control of Bayview, Hamilton West, Hamilton Jct. and Hamilton station into new control panelRailway Age, 1959-05-25.
Date Image Notes
NAC C019415
G.W.Ry. Station.
CN Photo Collection / CSTM / Image CN0000641
  • Great Western Railway station at Hamilton during late G.T.Ry. or early C.N.Rys. era.
CN Photo Collection / CSTM / Image CN002498
C.N.Rys. Station.
  • Passenger train headed by a Hudson type locomotive, the 5700, about to depart Hamilton Station.
JPS collection
General Railway Signal advertisement showing Hamilton "operating board" and control limitsRailway Age, May 25, 1959, 146(21), p. 78.
CN Photo Collection / CSTM / Image CN000642
  • Exterior view of new Hamilton Station.