
Station Name: Lindsay
Subdivision: Campbellford Haliburton Midland Uxbridge
Mileage: 86.39 0.00 0.00 0.00
Train Order: DN DN DN DN
Office Signals: DS DS DS DS
Sidings: Yard Yard Yard Yard
Other Tracks: Yard Yard Yard Yard
Yard Limits: 7,920 feet East 14,290 feet North 5,308 feet West 6,890 feet West

Campbellford Subdivision

*Diesel oil (rail car only).

That portion of No. 1 siding extending between East and West crossover switches, main track, Campbellford Subdivision, is "siding" for meeting or clearing passenger trains.

Haliburton Subdivision

*Diesel oil (rail car only).

Haliburton Subdivision trains will use Midland Subdivision main track between Lindsay station and junction switch 394 feet west. Before proceeding to Midland Subdivision Conductors must obtain permission from Dispatcher Lindsay who will record such permission in train order book as transmitted to and acknowledged by Conductor, providing Form W train order not received and there are superior trains due or overdue.

Air must be coupled, and in operation when switching on tracks serving Carew Lumber Co. and Horn Bros. Woollen Co.

Midland Subdivision

*Diesel oil (rail car only).

Uxbridge Subdivision

*Diesel oil (rail car only).

Date Event
1955-07-05 Work on new C.N.Ry.s freight sheds at Lindsay halts on account of record high temperaturesThe Globe and Mail (Toronto), 1955-07-06, p. 9.
1963-05-07 City Steeplejack Company of Cornwall begins demolition of C.N.Rys. Lindsay stationU.C.R.S. No. 209 (1963-06-01), p. 107.
Date Images Notes
Canadian Historical Picture Collection / TRL / Acc. 964-6-78
G.T.Ry. station at Lindsay.
Canadian Historical Picture Collection / TRL / Acc. 964-6-79>
G.T.Ry. station at Lindsay.
CN Photo Collection / CSTM / Image CN002534