
Station: Oakvile
Subdivision: Oakville
Mileage: 21.35
Symbols: XZ
Train Order: DN
Office Signals: OA
Sidings: E.99
Other Tracks: Yard
Yard Limits: 16,475 feet East of Station
8,000 feet West of Station
Location: Oakville
(Halton County, Trafalgar Township)
HSMBC Report: RSR-282
Designation / Year: Negative / 1996

No. 14 stop to detrain revenue passengers from Sarnia and beyond. No. 75 stops on flag to entrain revenue passengers for London and beyond. No. 15 stop on flag to entrain passenges for Sarnia and beyond and detrain revenue passengers from Montréal, Ottawa an beyond. No. 16 stop to detrain passengers from London and beyond. No. 89 stop on flag to entrain passengers for Suspension Bridge and beyond.

No. 821 will stop on flag at ... Oakville ... to entrain passengers for points beyond Hamilton.

"Taking Siding" signal units located on westward signal No. 191 and Eastward Signal No. 220.

West Switch of Westward Siding is equipped with spring switch and "Leave Siding" signal; see further instructions, page 36. Dwarf signal No. 202 governs movement against the current of traffic over this spring switch. Rule 104A applicable.

East Switch of Eastward Siding is equipped with spring switch and "Leave Siding" signal; see further instructions, page 36. Dwarf signal No. 203 governs movement against the current of traffic over this spring switch. Rule 104A applicable.

Sounding of engine whistles on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a Railway is prohibited in respect of any public crossing at grade within the limits of the Town of Oakville, except when necessary to prevent accident. (B.T.C. 72774). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistles when necessary for train operation.

The limits of the Town of Oakville extend from mileage 20.82 on the East to mileage 22.08 on the West.

Date Image Notes
TRL Souvenir View Book CollectionCall No. 917.1353 G67 BR
G.T.Ry. Oakville depot