Station: | Port Colborne | |
Subdivision: | Dunnville | Humberstone |
Mileage: | 19.15 | 0.00Humberstone Subdivision mileage is for Junction Switch, east leg of wye Dunnville Subdivision. |
Symbols: | K*WY | K*WYZ |
Train Order: | DN | DN |
Office Signals: | OC | OC |
Sidings: | .. | Yard |
Other Tracks: | Yard | Yard |
Yard Limits: | 8,352 feet East of Station | 7,690 feet North of Junction Switch, Dunnville Subdivision |
10,015 feet West of Station | ||
Location: | 265 King St. Port Colborne (Welland County, Humberstone Township) |
HSMBC Report: | RSR-219 | |
Designation / Year: | Negative / 1994 |
K* Standard Clock only. Sounding of engine whistle signals on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a railway is prohibited in respect to any public crossing at grade within the limits of the Town of Port Colborne, except when necessary to prevent accident (B.T.C. 45316). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistle signals when necessary for train operation.
Town Limits of Port Colborne extend from mileage 18.76 on the east to mileage 19.61 on the west.
Employees are forbidden to ride on top of cars or engines, while standing on, or moving over, any portion of electrified section of N.S. & T. Railway, account danger from overhead wires.
K* Standard Clock only. Sounding of engine whistle signals on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a railway is prohibited in respect to any public crossing at grade within the limits of the Town of Port Colborne, except when necessary to prevent accident (B.T.C. 45316). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistle signals when necessary for train operation.
Town Limits of Port Colborne commence at mileage 0.40.
Date | Event |
1953-11-03 | Two containers of precious metal concentrate, valued at $262,000, are stolen from station platform. The getaway car crashed and the containers were recovered from a nearby culvert the same eveningThe Globe and Mail (Toronto), Wednesday, January 6, 1954, p. 26 |
Date | Reference | Railway | Subject | Description |
1892 | NAC / Col. RG30M Acc. 945013, Box Q | G.T.Ry. | Yard. | 694-5 |