Port Credit

Station: Port Credit
Subdivision: Oakville
Mileage: 12.81
Symbols: X
Train Order: DN
Office Signals: CR
Sidings: E.47
Other Tracks: 15
Location: 30 Queen St E
Port Credit
(Peel County, Toronto Township)

No. 94 stop at Port Credit to detrain passengers from New York and beyond.

No. 821 will stop on flag at Port Credit to entrain passengers for points beyond Hamilton.

When Switching Oil Plants, air must be coupled and in operation.

Trains using shed track must keep sharp lookout for cars on ramp track which many be foul of shed track.

All movements over No. 2 highway (Toronto St.) on Trinidad Leaseholds' tracks and on St. Lawrence Starch Works tracks must be protected by member of crew. (B.T.C. 27063).

Sounding of engine whistles on any locomotive, car or other mechanism propelled on a Railway is prohibited in respect of any public crossing at grade within the limits of the Village of Port Credit, except when necessary to prevent accident. (B.T.C. 69811). This does not prohibit the sounding of engine whistles when necessary for train operation.

The limits of the village of Port Credit extend from mileage 12.18 on the East of mileage 14.05 on the West.

Date Event
1900-01-10 Derailed freight car delays the morning westbound passenger trainThe Globe and Mail (Toronto), Thursday, January 11, 1900, p. 12.
1954-10-18/1954-10-29 In the aftermath of Hurricane Hazel CNR operates shuttle service between Port Credit and ExhibitionThe Globe and Mail (Toronto), Monday, October 18, 1954, p. 1 & Saturday, October 30, 1954, p. 5.
1953-09-27/1967-04-30 Operation of electric lock switch leading to No. 4 track east station is responsibility of Port Credit operatorCNR.CR.SOD.LSD.50 & CNR.GLR.TA.51/68.
Date Image Notes
Toronto Archives Series 1057, Item 6231

Toronto Archives Series 1057, Item 6232
Hendrie and Co. Ltd. truck no. 233 and trailer no. 73 (CNR) at Port Credit CNR station.
TRL Canadian Historical Picture Collection/J. V. Salmon Collection, Acc. S 1-3119B
Port Credit depot looking east. Electric lock switch mentioned in footnotes is just beyond Automatic Block Signal at east end of the platform.
Date Reference Railway Subject Description
1949-05 NAC / Col. RG30M Acc. 78903/42 Item 534 C.N.Rys. Station, freight and express facilities. Plan. Sections.
1949-05 NAC / Col. RG30M Acc. 78903/42 Item 535 C.N.Rys. Station, freight and express facilities. Elevations.