Thursday, January 29, 1852 The Globe (Toronto) Page 2, col. 5

Annual Meeting of the Board of Trade.

The Board of Trade met in their chamber in the St. Lawrence Hall, on Monday evening last [January 26], at 8 o'clock. Mr. G. P. Ridout, President, took the Chair, and the Secretary proceeded to read the annual report of the Council as it follows:—

 ..  To establish rapid, cheap, convenient and safe lines of transportation from place and place, not depending on the contingencies of climate, is advantageous just in proportion as they possess conveniences over and above the means for that object previously existing. These advantages we shall shortly possess,—for your Council learn with pleasure that already twenty miles of the Northern Railroad are graded, and that the road to Barrie, 64 miles, will be completed in working order by the 1st December next. They also understand that there is every prospect of the Toronto and Guelph Railroad being commenced in a short time. When these great lines are completed with others in contemplation, we may reasonably look forward to a rapid increase in the population, and prosperity of this favoured portion of the British Empire.  .. 

Railways: O.S. & H.U.Rd.

