Thursday, March 8, 1900, Vol. 49, No. 10 The Northern Advance (Barrie) Page 8, col. 1

Allandale Ward Number Six.

The railway centre of the future city.

Barrie's south-western division, with its pleasant streets, its tasty dwellings, its pretty churches, and its go-a-head people will entice settlement—A weekly record of its doings.


On Thursday afternoon last the G.T.R. and our citizens celebrated the relief of LadysmithThe lifting of the siege of Ladysmith, South Africa, during the Boer War. by the flying of flags and blowing of whistles. Orders were given by the G.T.R. to commence the celebration at 3.30 p.m. by the blowing of whistles, and such a noise they made, a good many of the residents made their way to the gates and enquired where the fire was, as they were not aware of any celebration. Some of our storekeepers refused to close up their places of business.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Allandale

