March 1910, No. 145 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 183, col. 2

Canadian Northern Ry. construction, etc.

Canadian Northern Québec Ry.—The seven miles of line described as the Montmorency branch, for the operation of which the Board of Railway Commissioners recently passed an order, is practically an industrial spur, connecting the Québec and Lake St. John Ry. with the Montmorency Pulp Co.'s mills near the Montmorency Falls. Heretofore the company's logs were sent over the falls and floated out, and the spur was hurriedly constructed in the fall of 1909 in order to handle the traffic.

The work on the branch line to Rawdon, Que., has been closed down. Grading is practically completed, and some track has been laid. On the resumption of work a bridge will be constructed across the Quareau River and the branch completely [sic].

W. D. Barclay, General Manager, is quoted as having stated in Montréal, Feb. 6, that plans have been prepared for the company's Montréal terminals, and that they are being considered by the executive at Toronto. According to what Mr. Barclay is reported to have said, the site will be a central one; the cost will be about $5,000,000, and the work will be completed within two years.

Railways: C.N.Q.Ry., Q. & L.St.J.Ry.