Thursday, November 10, 1904 The Liberal (Richmond Hill) Page 5, col. 2

James Bay railway.

Construction work on the James Bay Railway is proceeding vigorously in the south. About 250 men, in two gangs, equipped with steam shovel, dump cars and horses, are at work in the Don Valley east of York Mills. Mackenzie & Mann, as contractors have a gang of men grading the approaches to and filling up a deep ravine near the Don post office, in York township. The ravine is about 400 yards across, and about 75 to 80 feet deep. The engineers have avoided the necessity of bridging the Don River at this point, and instead are filling the ravine to the depth of 26 to 28 feet, leaving only an aqueduct to be constructed of masonry for the use of cattle and stock down to the river. At the present time the steam shovel is working in a hard bed of clay or shale, and dynamite and black powder have to be generously used. The river will have to be crossed and re-crossed, consequently the progress in grading in that part will be comparatively slow.

Railways: J.B.Ry.

