April 1898, No. 2 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 35, col. 2 |
Car building at Cobourg.
The Crossen Car Mfg. Co. writes us that it is building the following cars:—For the C.P.R., 20 tourist cars with Pullman wide vestibules & standard steel platforms, automatic couplers, hollow brake beams, steam heating. Body of car, smoking room & kitchen, 14 berths, 28 seats upholstered in corduroy. Kitchen contains improved wrought iron range. The women & men's toilets are furnished with Tennessee marble washstands & overhead tanks. The berths are supplied with headboards, curtain rods, brackets, etc. Each car is lighted with 5 double-centre lamps besides the necessary side-bracket lamps. Double windows, with upper lights of bevelled plate glass, monitor lights, flowered glass. The cars are equipped with Westinghouse quick action air-brakes, & air signals & Krupp's 40-in. steel wheels. Exterior finished in cherry & varnished, & interior in birchstained mahogany. The interior trimmings are the latest design, finished in Persian brass.
For the Esquimalt & Nanaimo Ry., 10 Lehigh Valley Railway hopper gondola coal cars with C.P. R. standard trucks, 60,000 lbs. capacity.
For the Intercolonial Ry., fifty 33 ft. box freight cars, 40,000 lbs. capacity, with Westinghouse air-brakes, automatic couplers & Intercolonial Ry. standard trucks.
For the Canadian Copper Co., Cleveland, Ohio, ten 33 ft. platform cars, 40,000 lbs. capacity, C.P.R. standard pattern, with automatic couplers. 10 ore dump cars, 8 tons capacity.
Railways: C.P.Ry., E. & N.Ry., I.C.Ry.