March 1910, No. 145 The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 231, col. 3

Electric railways.

Projects, constructions, betterments, etc.


Niagara, St. Catharines and Toronto Ry.—The Bridgeburg, Ont., town council passed a resolution, Feb. 13, granting permission to the company to use the right-of-way from Fort Erie into Bridgeburg, where it will be enabled to connect with the G.T.R., Wabash Rd., and Michigan Central Ry. The company is now operating cars into Welland, and has completed the grading for an extension from Welland to Port Colborne, on which track will be laid in the spring. The route has been surveyed for a further extension from Port Colborne to Fort Erie, and it is in connection with this extension that the negotiations with Bridgeburg have been carried on.

Press reports recently stated that the long-talked-of project for the erection of a high-level bridge over the old Welland Canal at St. Catharines would be started at an early date, and that the project was in connection with the N. St. C. and T. Ry. Later advices state that the bridge had nothing to do with the railway, its promoters including W. D. Woodruff, W. H. Merritt and R. H. Leonard, C.E. We have been officially advised that nothing definite has been decided as to the construction of the bridge, but that the idea is, if such bridge is constructed, to make it of sufficient strength to permit the running of electric cars over it. (Feb., pg. 147.)

Railways: G.T.Ry., M.C.Rd., N.St.C. & T.Ry., Wab.Rd.

