May 1898, No. 3 | The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) | Page 84, col. 2 |
The Pacific express in Canada.
In answer to an enquiry from this office, Superintendent Bresie, of the Pacific Express Co., wrote from Decatur, Ill., April 18. This Co. opened offices al, Buffalo, & Niagara Falls, N. V., Mar. 21 . These are the only offices we have east of Detroit. We have no local service on the Grand Trunk-Wabash trains at present; but my understanding is when the Wabash trains run via St. Thomas to Ft. Erie on wbat is called the Southern division of the G.T. it is expected the Pacific will do local business, although I cannot state positively as to that, as I have not been advised by this Co. I will hold your letter as a memorandumn, & notify you sbould there be any changes. You understand the Pacific occupy all lines of tlhe Wabash Road, the Missouri Pacific & leased lines, the Union Pacific, also the Toledo, Peoria & Western, & the Keokuk & Western Ry., & several other roads in the west & southwest.