December 1922, No. 298 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 633, col. 3

Toronto and York Radial Railway ownership changed.

In connection with the Toronto clean up deal, the Toronto & York Radial Ry. lines have passed unde rthe Hydro Electric Poer Commission of Ontario's control, and are now know as the Hydro Electric Railways, Toronto & York Division, and are under the jurisdiction of W. R. Robertson, General Superintendent of Railways, Hydro Electric Power Commission. Sir Wm. Mackenzie, heretofore President, and W. H. Moore, heretofore General Manager, T. & Y.R.Ry. have resigned, but no changes in officials have been made in the meantime, C. L. Wilson continuing as Assistant Manager, and F. S. Livingstone as Traffic Manager.

T. & Y.R.Ry. cars on the Metropolitan Division, have ceased to run within the city limits, their new southern terminus being at the northern city limits, and the service on Yonge St. within the city is performed by the Toronto Transportation Commission. No changes have been made on the Mimico and Scarboro Divisions.

Railways: H.E.Rys., Met.Ry., T. & Y.Rad.Ry., T.T.C.

