January 1907, No. 107 The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 31, col. 2

Canadian Northern Railway construction.


Canadian Northern Ontario Ry.—The grading on the line between Hawkesbury and Rockland is practically ready for the rails. On the section between Rockland and Ottawa, the right of way has been laid out, and everything is in readiness for an early start at grading in the spring. The line into Ottawa, it is expected, will be completed and in operation early next fall.

The plans for the line from Ottawa into Toronto have been filed and show a route between the two points about 60 miles shorter than the present G.T.R. or C.P.R. lines. From Ottawa the line will run southwesterly as far as Cobourg, from which point it will parallel the G.T.R., and after passing about midway between Brooklin and Whitby will touch the lake near Dunbarton. It will reach Wetburn south of the G.T.R. tracks, cross Kingston road south of Norway and Queen St., Toronto, to Ashbridge's marsh, run along the north shore of the marsh to the Don, then northerly with a slight curve until it reaches the tracks upon which it will enter the Union Station limits. The approval of the Toronto Board of Control has been asked for the plans within the city limits.

The plans for the line from Ottawa to Key Inlet have also been filed, and have been approved of in part by the Board of Railway Commissioners. The plans show a line from Ottawa to Fitzroy harbor, then crossing the Ottawa River, running very close to Norway bay, Bristol and Portage du Fort. At this point it recrosses the river and cuts across the peninsula, of which Beachburg is the centre. Thence the line passes about 10 miles to the south of Pembroke, and traverses the height of land to Key Inlet, Georgian Bay.

Railways: C.N.O.Ry., C.P.Ry., G.T.Ry.

