January 1910, No. 143 The Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 31, col. 3

Union Station at Fort William

The plans for the new union station to be erected at Fort William, Ont., by the C.P.R. for the joint use of the C.P.R. and the G.T. Pacific Ry., show a building 272 ft. long. The central portion will have a frontage of 105 ft., a depth of 51 ft. and a height of three stories, and basement. This three story building will be about 46 ft. high and the plan shows an attractive and imposing frontage, the principal feature in which is the arched doorway. The one story building to the right will have a frontage of 104 ft. and a depth of 34 ft., and that on the left a frontage of 63 ft. and a depth of 34 ft. The track frontage while not quite so imposing as the road frontage is equally attractive. Projecting over the platform along the main building will be a glass awning carried on steel trusses. The building will be erected on concrete and stone foundations; the superstructure of brick with stone, copings, keystones, and other finishing. Entering from the street there is a large vestibule, leading by swinging doors into a general waiting room, 102 by 34 ft., off which, to the right are the women's waiting, retiring and toilet rooms; and to the left, are the men's waiting room and lavatories. To the right, at the track front is the joint ticket office, while adjoining the women's waiting room is the telegraph office. At the left hand, towards the track front are offices for the station master, parcels office, and the stairway to the upper stories, in which will be the offices for the divisional staffs. The baggage annex, 104 by 34 ft., contains a general baggage room with closed off sections for baggage checkers, storage of valises, the general public, and the baggage masters office. The annex at the other end of the building has a frontage of 63 by 34 ft., and is to be divided between the Dominion and Canadian Express Co.'s.

Railways: C.P.Ry., G.T.P.Ry.

