Tuesday, February 5, 1924 The Globe (Toronto) Page 2, col. 4

Branch line vote cut two millions.

Part of Nationals' plan completed, despite action of Senate.

Taken from main vote

F. C. Mears.--Staff Correspondent to The Globe.

Ottawa, Feb. 4.—A reduction of at least $2,000,000 will be made this year in the schedule of branch-line construction for the Canadian National Railways to be submitted to Parliament early in the session by Hon. George P. Graham, Minister of Railways and Canals. That reduction comprises the estimated cost of the Long Lac cut off in Northern Ontario, which was $1,944,000 for the 29 miles of line. This was contained in the bill thrown out by the Senate lat last session, but the project was proceeded with, the funds being taken from the main vote to the Canadian National Railways, and this connecting line is now so near completion that it will not require any provision in this year's branch lines bill.

Nova Scotia's Demands.

It has been estimated that an actual net saving of $3,650,000 further could be effected in this year's branch lines schedule if Nova Scotia could be shown the economic unsoundness of the projected lines in that Province. They are: Lockport Station to Lockport town, four miles, cost $150,000; Sunny Brae branch to Guysboro, 67 miles, to cost $3,500,000.

As for Western Canada, where the need of more branch lines is urgent, the Canadian National System, as a result of the Senate's action, will be spared the expense of building two of the branch lines proposed in last session's schedule.

C.P.R. seizes opportunity.

In the meantime the Canadian Pacific Railway has taken advantage of its unused franchises and built where the Canadian National was prevented by the Senate from going. While the latter system will be spared the expense, it at the same time loses the carrying business which would originate in the two districts to be served.

Last year's total of proposed mileage to built was 1,011 at an estimated cost of $28,291,900. It is probable that this year Parliament will be asked to approve of a schedule of about 800 miles at a cost of about $25,000,000.

Railways: C.N.Rys., C.P.Ry.

