Wednesday, February 20, 1924 The Globe (Toronto) Page 14, col. 1

Grade separation along Northwest remains problem

Day of discussion before Railway Board has little result

All plans are criticized

Arguments of the several parties concerned in the proposed grade separation in Northwest Toronto were head by the Dominion Railway Board during morning and afternoon sittings at the City Hall yesterday. Although the board reconvened after a six weeks' adjournment, which had been allowed in order that the C.N.R. and C.P.R. engineers might agree as to plans, the proceedings indicated that no two of the parties were in agreement.

MacLeod explains his plan.

M. H. MacLeod, General Officer to the C.N.R. Executive, argued that the plan which he proposed would meet the situation at a lower cost than either of the others. In addition, he said, it met the wishes of the city to the extent that it called for an elevation of the main line tracks between Bloor Street and West Toronto. The new grade would commence south of Bloor Street and would reach an elevation of two feet at that street, eight feet at Wallance Avenue and ten feet at Royce and Humberside Avenues, returning to the level at the West Toronto diamond.

Three subways proposed.

Subways would be constructed at Bloor Street and at Royce and St. Clair Avenues. It was proposed also that the C.N.R. would add one new track on either side of the existing main line. The Newmarket line would be continued on the level, but all through traffic would be routed by a cut-off which would run from the Newmarket line at Eglinton Avenue to the main line at a point north of St. Clair. This cut-off would be elevated, so no level crossings would be created. The lower part of the Newmarket line would be used for shunting purposes.

Mr. McLeod estimated that the carrying out of the C.P.R. plans, which retain the existing railway grades, would cost $2,239,000, while those of the C.N.R. would cost only $1,311,000.

Corporation Counsel G. R. Geary stated that the city would no consent to leaving the Newmarket line on the level, whether the cut-offs were constructed or not.

Objections to the C.N.R. plan, raised by E. P. Flintoft, Assistant General Solicitor for the C.P.R., were several in number. He claimed that the main line grade proposed by the C.N.R. would increase operating costs, and said that where seven cars could be hauled by one engine now it would be possible to haul only six on the grade proposed by the C.N.R. He objected also that the elevation and the presence of additional tracks would make it impossible for industrial sidings to be served properly. In this connection he claimed that C.N.R. should submit detailed plans showing what was to be done with all sidings. Chairman F. B. Carvell agreed and asked the C.N.R. to have these ready for perusal by the C.P.R. engineers by Thursday evening, in order that they might be discussed before the board Friday morning.

Criticism for city's proposals.

Mr. Flintoft criticized at some length the city's proposals for raising the line to North Toronto. He stated that if this were done the C.P.R. West Toronto station would have to be raised eight feet, and that this would destroy to a considerable degree its usefulness.

A large part of the afternoon session was devoted to argument between counsel as to the effect the C.N.R. plan would have on industrial sidings, and to the hearing of representatives of a number of firms directly interested. The latter protested that the raising of the tracks would injure their facilities for making shipments from their sidings. Several stated that they favored the C.P.R. plan. Mr. MacLeod, for the C.N.R. assured them that every lessee of a siding would get service as good as he was getting now if the C.N.R. plans were adopted.

To present petition.

A. Greenhill, Secretary of the Ward Six Ratepayers' Association, protested against the retention of existing grades on the Newmarket line of the C.N.R. and stated that he would present a petition carrying 40,000 names asking that it be either bridged or elevated.

The sitting will continue this morning.

Railways: C.N.Rys., C.P.Ry.

