February 1921, No. 276 Canadian Railway and Marine World (Toronto) Page 77, col. 1

Co-ordination of Grand Trunk Railway with Canadian National Railways.

Canadian Railway and Marine World for June 1920 gave full particulars of the committee of management appointed, under the agreement between the Dominion Government and the G.T.R., for the acquisition by the Government of the G.T.R. Co.'s properties, and that of its subsidiary companies, to ensure the operation of the G.T.R., as far as possible, in harmony with the Canadian National Rys., the two systems to be treated in the public interest, as nearly as possible, as one system. The Government appointed as its representatives on the committee C. A. Hayes, Vice President in charge of Traffic. Canadian National Rys., and S. J. Hungerford, then Assistant Vice President. Operation, Maintenance and Construction, C.N.R., now Vice President, Operation and Maintenance. The G.T.R. appointed as its representatives F. Scott, its Vice President and Treasurer; and W. D. Robb, its Vice President, Transportation and Maintenance. These four members of the committee elected H. G. Kelley, President, G.T.R., as the fifth member of the committee and its chairman. In the latter capacity Mr. Kelley submitted a report to the Minister of Railways recently dealing with economies effected by the co-ordination up to Nov. 30, 1920, which is summarized as follows:—Although much has been accomplished in the process of consolidation. there are still many matters under consideration in connection with which there are legal or physical difficulties which must be dealt with before parallel trackage can be abandoned, and more direct connections established, which will permit a further considerable saving in train mileage. Capital expenditure connected with the consolidation of facilities to date amount to $508,473,at an annual cost of $75,927, but this expenditure will result in a saving estimated at $965,775 a year. In addition there is a credit to capital account of Canadian National Rys. from salvage, of $338,000. A saving of over $300,000 a year is rendered possible by the routing of freight by Grand Trunk between Toronto and Napanee, by Canadian National between Napanee and Ottawa, and by Grand Trunk between Napanee and Montréal. Similarly a further saving of $100,000 has been made possible by more economic routing of passenger traffic in Ontario. In addition a saving of about $250,000 a year will result from the combining of Toronto passenger and freight terminal facilities and staffs. Thirty two thousand dollars is saved by more direct handling of Toronto and Western Ontario freight, destined to the northwest, and there is a saving of $75,000 from the consolidation of express services. In this connection, it has been necessary, owing to the growth of express business, to put in a special train each way between Montréal and Toronto to handle express traffic solely. These are operated six days a week via the Grand Trunk. and have afforded great relief to the regular passenger train service. Following are particulars of coordination ordination of facilities, etc.:—

Aston Jct., Que.—Consolidation of station facilities has been effected, C.N.R. being used by both systems.

Belleville, Ont.—The handling of l.c.l. freight has been consolidated. this work being taken over by the G.T.R.

Brighton. Ont.—In obtaining access to each others tracks, the two railways are using a temporary connection at Colbright, a short distance from Brighton.

Brockville, Ont.—See Lyn.

Cobourg and Colborne, Ont.—C.N.R. stations have been closed, and the G.T.R.stations are being used.

Eastern Jct., near St. Laurent, Que.—The Board of Railway Commissioners has approved interchange at this point. The present connecting track will meet the requirements in the meantime.

Grafton. Ont.—C.N.R. station has been closed and the G.T.R. station is being used.

Guelph, Ont.—Arrangements have been made for the Toronto Suburban Ry. to use the G.T.R. station.

Hawkesbury, Ont.—Consolidation of facilities and staffs is under consideration.

Kingston, Ont.—Station facilities have been consolidated.

Lyn, Ont.—A section of the Canadian National Rys., formerly part of the Brockville, Westport and Northwestern and Lyn, approximately four miles. It is the intention to build a joint station at Lyn on G.T.R. property which will permit C.N.R. trains to use G.T.R. tracks into Brockville.

Lyster, Que.—The G.T.R. has taken over the C.N.R. staff.

Montréal.—The staffs at Bonaventure station have been consolidated. The staffs at Montréal Wharf have been consolidated, G.T.R. facilities being used. The C.N.R. staff at Point St. Charles has been taken over by the G.T.R. The two systems' commissary departments at Montréal have been consolidated. The handling of railway mail at Montréal has been consolidated. Consolidation of the staffs and facilities for handling l.c.l. freight in Montréal terminals is awaiting adjustment of certain features of the cartage question.the cartage question.

Napanee, Ont.—The station forces have been consolidated.

North Bay, Ont.—The use by the G.T.R. of the C.N.R. station is under consideration.

Ottawa, Ont.—Consolidation of facilities and staffs is practically completed.

Parry Sound, James Bay Jct., and Falding, Ont.—The G.T.R. is operating into Parry Sound over C.N.R. tracks.

Pembroke, Ont.—The station facilities and staffs have been consolidated, the C.N.R. using the G.T.R. facilities.

Rockland, Ont.—Arrangements have been made to consolidate both facilities and staffs in the spring.

St. Hyacinthe, Que.—The operations and staffs have been consolidated.

St. Rosalie, Que.—Consideration is being given to increased facilities, the intention being to turn C.N.R. locomotives and crews there, the G.T.R. to handle a portion of the C.N.R. tonnage between Montréal and St. Rosalie.

Trenton, Ont.—The C.N.R. has taken over the handling of all l.c.l. freight.

Udney Jct. and Orillia, Ont.—The C.N.R.line between these points has been abandoned and service withdrawn. The tracks have not yet been removed.

Washago, Ont.—A physical connection has been installed, and a temporary signal to protect movements of C.N.R. passenger trains.

Toronto.—Owing to the C.N.R.'s limited terminal facilities, it has been decided to take care of C.N.R. locomotives and cars, handling of cars in yards, etc., by using G.T.R. facilities, which are being enlarged to meet the joint requirements. It is intended that the C.N.R. shall handle G.T.R. l.c.l. freight at Cherry St. freight house, which is being enlarged. The freight houses at Parkdale have been consolidated. The dining car facilities have been consolidated and additional provision made for taking care of the supplies. The dispatching of C.N.R. trains between Don and Rosedale is now being handled by the C.N.R. dispatchers.

Passenger Traffic.—All passengers moving between Toronto and Ottawa are routed via C.N.R., which provides a shorter and more convenient route.

G.T.R. trains 9 and 10 between Montréal and Toronto are being routed over C.N.R. between Napanee and Colbright. This involves a slight increase in train miles, which is more than offset by the better service afforded.

G.T.R. trains 29 and 30, which ran formerly between Belleville and Toronto, have been changed to run between Kingston and Toronto, to enable the C.N.R. to withdraw trains 32 and 33 between Yarker and Cobourg. This has effected a net reduction in train miles.

C.N.R. trains 51 and 52, which operated formerly between Picton and Kingston via Harrowsmith Jct., are now routed over G.T.R. between Napanee and Kingston. It has been necessary to increase the train mileage between Yarker and Napanee, which offsets the saving made by routing of trains 51 and 52. The service to the public, however, has been materially improved.

The daily passenger service which the C.N.R. operated formerly from Montréal to Ottawa has been extended to Sudbury and Winnipeg.

The G.T.R. formerly had a tri-weekly service between Toronto and Winnipeg, via North Bay and Cochrane. This has been increased to daily, but the C.N.R. trains which operated formerly between Toronto and Winnipeg four days during each week have been withdrawn, so that there has practically been no increase in the service.

The practice of honoring C.N.R. passes on G.T.R. trains, and vice versa, on different sections of the lines, has been adopted where it has been found that it will be an advantage and facilitate business.

Freight traffic.—For some years the G.T.R. has handled its freight between Québec City and Pt. Levi by a ferry boat. Consequent upon this boat being withdrawn for repairs, the G.T.R. has commenced running its manifest trains into Québec City over the Québec bridge.

It is intended that the G.T.R. shall handle the C.N.R. way freight business between Montréal and St. Rosalie, which is in the interest of economy.

The routing of freight by the G.T.R. instead of the C.N.R. between Toronto and Napanee has permitted of a substantial reduction in train miles. The routing of freight by the C.N.R. between Napanee and Ottawa and by the G.T.R. between Napanee and Montréal has had a similar result.

All freight from Toronto for the Canadian Northwest is delivered to the C.N.R. at Toronto and handled by that line via Sudbury. All freight originating in districts west of Toronto is delivered to the C.N.R. at Allandale, Ont., and handled by that line to the Northwest via Washago and Sudbury. This has resulted in a reduction in train miles.

Traffic Department.—Many consolidations have been effected, the freight and passenger traffic and ticket office staffs have been brought together, and are working harmoniously for the joint interests. This refers not only to local points but also to outside agencies, additional representation having been secured at a number of important cities in Canada and the United States.

It was decided that at such stations as come under the scheme of consolidation, which are considered important, the signs on both passenger and freight stations should be changed to Canadian National—Grand Trunk.

Express.—The following comprises some of the more important things which have been done in connection with consolidation of the express companies:—

The Canadian Ex. Co. has taken over the express operations on the Halifax & Southwestern Ry.

With the intention of increasing the express traffic between Montréal and Toronto, to meet competition, and to relieve passenger trains from carrying express which resulted on many occasions in delay to these trains, arrangements were made to put on special express trains 20 and 21, which are operated six days a week via G.T.R.

The Canadian and the Canadian National express services have been consolidated at a number of points, but there are still some important terminals at which consolidation cannot be effected until more adequate facilities can be provided, principally Toronto, Montrea1 and Québec.

Railways: C.N.Rys., G.T.Ry.

Stations: Belleville, Belleville (CNOR), Brighton, Brighton (CNOR), Cobourg, Cobourg (CNOR), Colborne, Colborne (CNOR), Grafton, Lyn, Lyn Jct., Napanee, Udney, Washago, Washago (CNOR)

