June 1898, No. 4 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 99, col. 2

Construction & betterment notes.


New York & Ottawa.—As mentioned in our May issue, pg. 68, track was laid last fall for 53 miles between Cornwall & the junction of the Canada Atlantic, at Hawthorne, about 5 miles from Ottawa, & ballasting is being pushed ahead. On May 30, the Railway Committee of the Privy Council granted the Co. permission to cross the Canada Atlantic tracks at grade, near Hawthorne, where connection will be made with the Montréal & Ottawa Ry. (C.P.R.) over the tracks & new Rideau Bridge of which Co. the N.Y. & O. will run as far as the deep cut, from which point the Canada Atlantic tracks will be used into that Co.'s station at the Canal Basin in Ottawa. The application for a grade crossing was opposed by the Canada Atlantic, on the ground that the large and increasing traffic of its line at that suburban point would render a level crossing dangerous. It asked that the applicant be compelled to make an overhead crossing. The Deputy Minister of Railways examined the site, reporting in favor of a level crossing, which the Committee ordered, stipulating that the N. Y. & O. should put in the best possible equipment, maintain signals, &c., & pay the cost of the application, some $500.

The St. Lawrence Bridge at Cornwall is being pushed with all possible speed. It will be 842 ft. long over the north channel & 1,100 ft. over the south channel, crossing from a point about a mile above the town of Cornwall to Cornwall Island & from the south side of the Island to the U.S. shore.

Railways: C.A.Ry., C.P.Ry., N.Y. & O.Ry.

