December 1903, No. 70 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 422, col. 10

Railway development.

Projected lines, surveys, construction, betterments, etc.


Brockville, Westport and Northwestern Ry.—The opposition to the passing of an act incorporating the Reorganization Syndicate of New York, which purchased the Brockville, Westport and Sault Ste. Marie Ry., was withdrawn, the syndicate agreeing to pay 25% of the amount due to the judgment creditors. The act was then passed, the name of the company being changed to the Brockville,. Westport and Northwestern Ry. Co. and power given to extend the line from Westport northwesterly. The B. W. and S. S. M. Ry. is now vested in the B. W. and N. Ry. Co., and at the meeting for the organization of the new company held Nov. 23, it was decided to bring the line in all respects up to the Government standard, and the officers were given instructions to this effect. A committee was appointed to select a terminal for the projected extension and to make arrangements for the preliminary surveys. (Oct., pg. 340.)

Railways: B.W. & N.W.Ry.

