May 1898, No. 3 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 78, col. 3

Ontario & the Great Lakes.


Capt. Massey, of the steamer Linn, wrote the General Western Agent of the Canada Atlantic Transit Co., April 25:—I arrived in Parry SoundActually Depot Harbor not Parry Sound. April 3, at 7 p.m., all O.K. I found no difficulty coming into this harbor drawing 18 ft. of water. We came nearly all the way full speed, & it is the finest harbor I ever saw. It is land locked all round & there is lots of water. They are going to put a gas buoy on the Seguin banks, just outside Red Rock light, & another one about half way in, on a 14-ft. spot that is in nearly mid-channel, & then this will be a good place to come to. It is far better than Midland.

Railways: C.A.Ry.

Stations: Depot Harbor, Midland

