Wednesday, April 28, 1926 The Globe (Toronto) Page 23, col. 3

Fast train derailed and twenty injured

Spread rail causes wreck of Wabash Express—Three cars overturn

Four taken to hospital

Special Despatch to The Globe.

Dunnville, April 27.—Derailment of three cars of the fast Wabash passenger train No. 3 near Moulton station today was responsible for serious injury to four passengers, who were removed to the hospital here. In addition, the conductor and some fifteen other passengers met minor injuries, but were able to proceed after receiving medical attention. The four in hospital are progressing favorably.

List of seriously injured.

Those in hospital are: Mrs. Harry Patton, Buffalo, left breast crushed; James Chambers, Bronxville, N.Y., sever lacerations on scalp, left ear badly torn, face painfully torn, and several bruises; A. E. Lambert, Harriston, N.Y., severe lacerations of face and left leg; Franz Bartels, Detroit, severe laceration in lower lip.

The accident occurred about one mile west of Diltz, almost on the identical spot where a bad freight spill occurred some weeks ago, and is supposed to have been due to a soft spot in the roadbed, causing the rails to spread. At the time of the derailment the train, it is stated, was travelling about 40 miles an hour. Fortunately, the engine did not leave the roadbed, but the observation car and the next two coaches were overturned into a ditch at the bottom of the embankment.

Doctors rushed to accident.

J. L. Richard of Diltz, operator of the Toronto, Hamilton & Buffalo Railway signalling plant, notified two doctors here, who rushed to the scene of the accident and rendered first aid to the injured. Conductor Alex. Thomson of St. Thomas, who suffered a deep cut in his hand and injuries to one leg, was taken to his home after the mishap. The engineer and fireman escaped without even a bruise. Most of the injured passengers were riding in the observation car.

Tonight only two of the injured remained in the Haldimand County Hospital here, Mrs. Patton and Franz Bartels. The latter is expected to leave tomorrow, but Mrs. Patton will probably have to remain in hospital for a few days. James Chmabers, although weak from loss of blood, went on to Jarvis to spend the night, while A. E. Lambert was able to leave for his home after his injuries were dressed.

Railways: Wab.Rd.

Stations: Moulton