Friday, July 22, 1892 The Globe (Toronto) Page 8, col. 5

Fatal railway collision

on the Bay of Quinte Railway at Erinsville—Two lives lost and many passengers injured


This gives those killed.

Deseronto, July 21.—We have the following report from the scene of the accident:—A collision occurred this morning on the Kingston, Napanee & Western Railway, about 7:10 a.m., between Marlbank and Erinsville, between a light engine and the regular morning train. The engineer of the regular and the fireman of the special were killed, and the engineer of the special and the fireman and brakeman of the regular train were seriously injured. The locomotives were considerably damaged, but the cars remained on the track but slightly damaged. The names of the killed are:—William Christie, engineer; William Hardy, fireman, of Tweed, and baby of Mrs. Naphin of Deseronto. The names of those seriously injured are Charles Kirby, engineer; Thomas Watson, fireman, and James Mumbie, brakeman.

Railways: B.Q.Ry.

Stations: Erinsville, Marlbank

