March 1899, No. 13 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 70, col. 1

Grand Trunk betterments, etc.


Middle Division.—A considerable quantity of work is in contemplation of this year. Last year on this division about 250 miles of track were changed, 120 being of new 80-lb. steel, & the other released steel. This year it is expected that the same amount of steel renewal will take place. Most of the new rails will be laid between Toronto & Hamilton, & the rest at various points on the Southern division, & on the main line west of Stratford. It is the intention to remodel the southern yard at York, & it is expected that this with contemplated extensions will give double the present car accommodation, which is too small at busy seasons. The yard at Niagara Falls will also undergo considerable alteration & extension, & coal chutes will be erected both there & at Fort Erie. Stations at various points will undergo alterations & additions, particularly between Toronto & Niagara Falls. Dundas, Grimsby, Port Credit, & Oakville will be among the stations, which will be rendered more up-to-date. Work on the station at Galt will be resumed as soon as the weather permits. Work on the roundhouse at Sarnia is being pushed as fast as possible. When completed the building will hold 30 engines, which will be housed there instead of at Point Edward, as at present. Interlocking signals at various points will also probably be established. The double tracking of the single line between Hamilton & St. Davids, 39 miles, so as to make a continuous double track between Toronto & Suspension Bridge, has, it is said, been seriously considered, but it will not be done this year. The traffic over this line is growing very heavy, and the necessities of the fast passenger service seriously interfere with it.

Railways: G.T.Ry.

Stations: Danforth, Dundas, Fort Erie Yard, Galt, Grimsby, Niagara Falls, Oakville, Port Credit, Sarnia

