Glen Robertson

Station: Glen Robertson
Subdivision: Alexandria Vankleek
Mileage: 72.57 0.00
Symbols: *Y *RYZ
Train Order: D D
Office Signals: SN SN
Sidings: 63 ..
Other Tracks: 24 46
Yard Limits: .. 6,560 feet North of Station

Alexandria Subdivision

* West leg of Wye and track North of, and next to, the Alexandria Subdivision Main Track at Glen Robertson, is Main Track for Vankleek Subdivision.

Train dispatchers telephone in Conductor's room.

Vankleek Subdivision

* West leg of Wye and track North of, and next to, Alexandria Subdvision Main Track at Glen Robertson is Main Track for Vanleek Subdivision.
Date Event
1892-01-04 Central Counties Railway Co. opens Glen Robertson to Hawkesbury.