James Bay

Station: James Bay (a.k.a. James Bay Jct.)
Subdivision: Depot Harbor
Mileage: 1.6
Symbols: *Z*
Train Order: ..
Office Signals: ..
Sidings: ..
Other Tracks: ..
Yard Limits: 3,690 feet West of switch.

Track extends 2,000 feet East from switch to enable reverse movement to and from Depot Harbor.

Track East of James Bay and between James Bay and South Parry is included in South Parry yard limits.

Date Event

James Bay Jct.:—Position of Junction switch at James Bay Jct., which forms connection with with new terminal at James Bay, is normal when set for main track Madawaska to Depot Harbor.


James Bay.—Track extends 3,000 feet East from switch to enbale reverse movement to and from Depot Harbor.