January 1899, No. 11 The Railway and Shipping World (Toronto) Page 11, col. 2

Surveys, construction & betterment.


Great Northern of Canada.—The following press dispatch was sent out from Québec Dec. 24:—"The G.N. Ry. has succeeded in completing arrangement to assure the construction at once of the remainder of its lines in order to give Québec district connection with the Canada Atlantic Ry. Understanding the importance of pushing the works to a finish without further delay, it appears that, as the result of an appeal to its stockholders, $200,000 have been subscribed, while a U.S. syndicate, chiefly composed of Boston capitalists, has taken an interest in the undertaking to the extent of $500,000. On the strength of this financial backing, a contract has been entered into with Mr. Macdonald for the construction of the last 88 miles of the line, & it is understood that on his return from England shortly preparations to go on with the work this winter will be immediately begun." We are officially informed that arrangements for construction have not yet been completed, but that prospects for continuing the work this year are promising.

The 88 miles referred to is no doubt the section between Shawenegan & Montcalm, near Joliette, 53 miles, on which some work has been done, & the link of 35 miles from St. Jérôme to Grenville, on the Ottawa River, where a bridge for which a very favorable location has been surveyed, will have be built to connect with the C.A. The G.N. is controlled by & operated in connection with the Québec & Lake St. John Ry., & the through route from Québec to Hawkesbury would be as follows:—From Québec northwesterly for 58 miles by the Q. & L. St. J. Ry. to Rivière a Pierre Jct. From the latter point westward to St. Tite, 33 miles, by the Lower Laurentian Ry., also operated by the Q. & L. St. J. From St. Tite to Shawenegan, 22 miles, by the G. N. line, already built. Then comes the 53 mile section from Shawenegan to Montcalm, referred to above as having had some work done on it. From Montcalm to St. Jérôme for 28 miles the G. N. is already in operation. From Jerome to Grenville there is 35 miles to be built, as explained above. Further information about this line will be found on page 19 of this issue. (See June., '98, pgs. 86 & 98.)

Railways: C.A.Ry., G.N.Ry. of Can.

